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Other proposals

The Municipal Board of Ruzafa will host the best proposals of the II Premi Jerònima Galés, which this year has had the …

On Saturday 27 July, for Archaeology Day, guided and dramatised visits have been programmed to discover the history of Valencia. LA ALMOINA …

Band music fans supported the return of the international competition to the Palau de la Música. The Councillor for Cultural Action, José …

Free guided visits to the Llotja tower continue. They take place on Sundays, Saturdays and Sundays at the following times: Sundays and …

For organisational reasons, the following museums and monuments will be closed on the morning of Sunday 21 July: – Archaeological Crypt of …

Next Wednesday, 17 July, the Temporary Exhibition Hall of the Benlliure House Museum will host the opening of the exhibition Dibujar para …

The Great Night of July 20th July 2024 19:30 h, 21:00 h and 22:30 h City Museum Pl. del Arzobispo, 3 Bookings: …

The Great Night of July 20 July 2024 at 22:00 h València History Museum C/ València 42 Bookings: 96 370 11 05 …