Promoted by Acció Cultural del País Valencià (ACPV) and the Institució Cívica i de Pensament Joan Fuster (IJF), in 2006 it opened in the heart of Valencia The Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporània (OCCC), a firm commitment to the revival of culture and society throughout our country from a national perspective and progress. Located in the emblematic building known as “The Siglo“, of former department stores, the initiative faced a double objective: to become a living element of culture, as a headquarters for entities and as a center of activities, while recovering for citizens a building with recognized historical, artistic and social relevance. It is an ambitious project, but it is these types of proposals that, after all, mark an era, and it depends on all of them to make them possible.

Dades bàsiques


Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday: closed


Check the price on the website


Sant Ferran Street, 12
46001 Valencia
Telephone: 963 157 799

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