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Valencia, with you and for you

"The main guiding principle of cultural policy as a legitimate sphere of public intervention in society is its democratizing character, that is to say, the ability to redistribute cultural and symbolic assets to all citizens"

Pla de Cultura de la Ciutat de València, 2017

Valencia with you and for you responds to the strategic objective of enriching the cultural offer, improving access and cultural participation and strengthening social cohesion City of Valencia Culture Plan, 2017 (1) and proposes the initiatives aimed at to promote the participation of all interest groups in the cultural process, facilitating access to culture, promoting diversity and generating interest in cultural consumption for all audiences. Below are listed and described the main initiatives of this program carried out by the Department of Heritage and Cultural Resources:

The own cultural programs Cultura als Barris and Cultura als Pobles and the special programming of the Palau de la Música, generating performances outside its headquarters, such as Jazz in the Neighborhoods and Towns of Valencia, the neighborhood concerts within the pre-competition of the International Competition of Music Bands “City of Valencia” and the performances of the Orchestra of Valencia in the Plaza de l’Ajuntament de Valencia and on the Arenes beach, are some of the main initiatives related to the decentralized programming of cultural activities . Within this group of initiatives, we must mention the close collaboration with the Palau dels Arts to incorporate opera as one of the activities of Culture in the Neighborhoods and to support its program. Arts Volant, which takes place in different public spaces in the city.

The municipal museums have reoriented their programming policy and all their temporary exhibition proposals come from calls open to the public, reinforcing themselves with more specific and thematic ones such as those relating to Blasco Ibáñez, Benlliure or the history of the city.

El Palau de la Música ha fet una aposta clara per incorporar als més xicotets i a les famílies com a públic objectiu en la seua audiència habitual. El programa Menut Palau ha adquirit un fort impuls lúdic, didàctic, social i solidari des de 2015, amb una mitjana de 160 activitats a l’any des dels mesos de gener a juny. El programa es dirigeix a totes les franges d’edat durant la setmana i a les famílies i als seus bebés, centres educatius i guarderies els caps de setmana. 

La nova Mostra de València contempla, com una de les seues premisses més importants l’acostament dels xiquets i joves al cinema, facilitant la seua assistència al festival de manera organitzada a través de col·legis i instituts i en sessions especials gratuïtes.

El servei de publicacions ha editat diferents obres adaptades al perfil de públic infantil i juvenil, com el còmic “Els secrets de l’Ajuntament”, elaborat per l’equip de la històrica revista valenciana Camacuc, que dóna a conéixer la casa consistorial, i “Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Una vida apasionante”, de Cristina Durán i Miguel Ángel Giner Bou, realitzat amb motiu del 150 aniversari del naixement del nostre escriptor més internacional.

The Department of Cultural Heritage and Resources designs and coordinates the Cultural Diversity Day program annually, with the fundamental objective of promoting culture from an intercultural perspective and showing institutional recognition and support for all the cultural manifestations that coexist in the city from Valencia

The organization of events that facilitate cultural consumption, such as International Museum Day, July Night or International Tourism Day, in which municipal museums open their doors for free or extend their hours to are accessible to all types of public. Other initiatives in this regard have been the previous and free performances of both the Palau de la Música Jazz Festival and the “City of Valencia” International Band Contest in various neighborhoods and towns of Valencia.

Per a facilitar l’assistència als concerts del Palau de la Música s’ha dissenyat un nou sistema d’abonaments que permet a la ciutadania acostar-se al Palau de manera diferent. És el cas de l’Abonament Barroc, l’Abonament Piano, l’Abonament 10, que permet gaudir de 10 concerts de l’Orquestra de València, o els Abonaments X6 A i X6B.

The Council has committed to incorporating new cultural facilities into the Valencian cultural heritage by obtaining grants and external funding. So far, and since the beginning of the legislature, several initiatives have been started or are in the process of being completed: the recovery of Demetrio Ribes’ Demetrio Ribes Warehouse 3 – one of the railway warehouses in the central park and an important display of industrial heritage – as cultural space for the neighborhoods of Ruzafa, Malilla and Jesús; the upcoming rehabilitation and expansion of the Slaughterhouse (Trust Plan), former abattoir in the Cabanyal neighborhood, in order to turn it into a historical archive and interpretation center of the neighborhood’s history; the incipient rehabilitation projects of the Ateneu Republicanà (FEDER Fund) as the home of culture in the Cabanyal neighborhood, and the recovery of the Alquería d’Albors (FEDER Fund) as a cultural space for the Orriols neighborhood. This group of initiatives also includes the rehabilitation of the Serrans Shelter for the Ciutat Vella neighborhood and the rehabilitation of the well-known Casa dels Bous as one of the headquarters of the Museu del Mar, as part of the neighborhood’s urban development strategy of Cabanyal (EDUSI).

(1) Rivers, Joaquim, Gisbert, Veronica, Martinez, Santi (2017). City of Valencia Culture Plan, 2017. Valencia: University of Valencia