It is installed in the gardens of Guillem de Castro street located in front of the Cervantes National School, and between the rest of the wall, the Torres de Quart, the flank with the buttresses of Santa Úrsula and other buildings. Its author was Mariano Benlliure and represents at the base great books of Chivalry on which stands the figure of Don Quixote, showing the bust of Cervantes held in his hands.

Today it is surrounded by a laundry room with fountains, which animate the once lonely pedestal. The sketch of the monument, in plaster, was exposed during the ceremony of laying the cornerstone, which took place on Sunday, May 7, 1905, the year in which the third centenary of the appearance of “the ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha” was commemorated in several Spanish cities. A year later the definitive work in bronze was inaugurated, being installed in the Plaza del Picadero -after the Painter Pinazo- next to Calle de Colón, until years later, it would be placed in its first place of destination opposite the aforementioned College.

Simple modernist work, from 1904, similar to another school or school group, also modernist, that of “Luis Vives” on Calle Cuenca.

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Calle del Pintor Zariñena, 40
46003 Valencia