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The City Museum hosts the exhibition “Air, water and light”

  • The exhibition can be visited until 4 May.
  • There will also be guided tours for all audiences on Saturdays and Sundays, although it is necessary to book by calling 962084126.

The City Museum is hosting from today the exhibition “Aire, aigua i llum” (Air, water and light) by the artist José Antonio Orts. The councillor for Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources, José Luis Moreno, and the artist himself have inaugurated the exhibition, which was selected in 2022 within an open call for exhibition projects by a multidisciplinary jury. The members of the jury were appointed at the proposal of the Associació d’Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló (AVVAC), the Asociación Valenciana de Críticos de Arte, the Academia de San Carlos, the Facultad de Bellas de València and the area of Culture of the Ayuntamiento de València.

The exhibition includes a set of installations and sculptures sensitive to energy, which capture the presence and gestures of the visitor through the shadows they cast or the small currents of air they cause as they pass. The installation, which integrates small photovoltaic panels, transforms these movements into rhythmic, sonorous and luminous changes and evolutions and turns the spectator into an integral part of the works since, with his or her actions, he or she humanises and completes them.

The pieces encourage the viewer to play interactively and provoke a dialogue with the visitor with numerous sound, visual, spatial and temporal implications. The visitor’s perception, sensory enjoyment and the connections between the individual being and nature are achieved through this interplay of relationships.

The exhibition can be visited until 5 May during the City Museum’s regular opening hours. The visit to the municipal museum is free of charge. There will also be guided tours for all audiences on Saturdays at 17:00 and Sundays at 11:00 and 12:00. Reservations are required by calling 962084126. Groups can book through the platform https://www.valencia.es/cas/cultura/programa-de-actividades-en-museos.
