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The Book of Memoirs of the City of Valencia (1308-1644)

Based on manuscript 78 of the Archive of the Royal Convent of Preachers of Valencia, this volume contains the critical edition of the Book of Memoirs of the City of Valencia, a fundamental piece of Valencian memorialistic literature. In addition to contextualizing the work from the historical, cultural and literary aspects, it approaches the different authors who may have intervened and studies the large number of manuscripts related to their tradition that can be located today. Finally, a linguistic study is carried out that brings us closer to the language model used in the Book of Memoirs. With this work, then, Vicent J. Escartí and Josep Ribera, with the collaboration of the Valencia City Council, make available to everyone a major work on the memory of the Valencian people, which contains information from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries and, therefore, includes practically the entire Valencian Foral Period.

Benicalap, el Pla del Real i Benimaclet. Ciutat de barris

Veïns, treballadors, turistes… Tots són testimonis de la metamorfosi de la ciutat i de la nova identitat de cada veïnat. Esta nova personalitat es manifesta a través del menjar (la paella a Sant Llorenç i els llegums als Orriols), els sons (els cants de l’afició de Mestalla) o l’art (el patrimoni arquitectònic de Benicalap). A cavall entre la indústria i l’horta, estos barris han viscut el trànsit cap a un nou model de ciutat i de producció econòmica que ha marcat la manera de viure l’espai públic. Malgrat tot, la cultura, les tradicions i el llegat de grans personatges que un dia modelaren la ciutat continuen sent símbols d’estos barris, units per les Falles, la multiculturalitat i el futbol.

A little girl, a dog and a thousand cats

This is the story of Fikarta, a Valencian girl of Ethiopian parents who lives in a farm in the Cabañal neighborhood. There are neighbors on the farm, of course, and a few animals. As in every neighborhood, coexistence is reasonably good. Well, actually, it’s pretty good now, but it hasn’t always been like that. There were neighbors who could not even see each other. Until that story happened with the cat that chased a bird and got into where it shouldn’t have been… And the story about Naya Gúmer’s dog… But read, read our story and you’ll know what I’m talking about.