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Sing and dance [Faitanar]

Pedagogical-musical project based on the development and interpretation of children’s dances, singing with live voices, and with adapted lyrics.

Cia. La Matallina: Ginger biscuits [Benimàmet]

A mixture of songs and stories about freedom, a more complicated topic than it seems, because who likes to go tell other people what is right and wrong? Author(s): La Matallina. Direction: J. C. Margallo and Elisa M. Matallín.

Theatre title: Calcetín sin calceta [Faitanar]

Two daring circus artists will show off their skills with balancing, juggling, risky exercises and skills, which they will combine with circus numbers. Audience participation will be essential.

Subit! [El forn d’Alcedo]

The actors face the challenge of creating scenes based on the proposals of the audience. Performers: Xavi Romero, David Fajardo and Ezequiel Navarro.