Cultural Valencia is an initiative of the Culture Area of Valencia City Council that has been conceived with the aim of becoming the platform of reference for the dissemination of culture in our city. Cultural Valencia wants to be the medium where the cultural manifestations of the city, the different administrations responsible for their management and society come together.
This unique window of culture was born as a web support, but it is projected with a larger route. Cultural Valencia will be accessible to citizens and visitors through other media, always with the same purpose: to explain how culture manifests itself in our city, where and when to enjoy it and help interpret it.
Cultural Valencia also serves as a communication speaker and conveys to citizens, cultural agents and other administrations the strategy and cultural initiatives carried out by the Department of Cultural Heritage and Resources as part of its government program. Support for creation in all its manifestations, its own cultural programs, publications, the conservation of historical heritage, the programming of municipal museums or the recovery and endowment of cultural containers are just some of these initiatives.
The action framework of the Department of Heritage and Cultural Resources
The Department of Cultural Heritage and Resources presents Cultural Valencia as part of a series of activities that share the challenge of revitalizing culture in our city, from supporting its creation to the experience of enjoying it.
The set of actions carried out has been designed based on values that guide all municipal cultural activity. These values are aligned with the principles gathered in the electoral programs, the municipal government program, the diagnostic phase of the City of Valencia Culture Plan, 2017 (1), prepared by the University of Valencia, Agenda 21 of Culture , or the principles of UNESCO in matters of culture, among others. These values can be summarized in four, considered fundamental:
Culture is a common good and is strategic for the sustainable development of the city. It has a positive effect on citizens’ daily lives: it brings citizens together, improves their quality of life and contributes to shaping them as freer and happier people.
Citizens are the raison d’être of our politics and are at the center of all municipal management. We plan with them and we plan for them. They are the principle and the goal.
Respect for public resources (financial and patrimonial, cultural, natural, ethnological). Our way of managing them is from transparency, taking advantage of what we already have, avoiding duplication with other initiatives and putting them in value through conservation and promotion.
The progress and capacity of the city of Valencia to develop a dynamic and modern cultural system that positions it as a benchmark in the international context and that contributes to transforming the urban development model.
Based on the stated values, the mission or raison d’être of the municipal action in matters of culture is expressed:
"We create the conditions that favor the sustainable cultural development of Valencia, based on its signs of identity and in complicity with all the interest groups that make up the cultural system, encouraging inclusive and diverse participation in creation, production, distribution , promotion and consumption of culture; under a fair regulatory and protection framework and based on a transparent, collaborative, effective and efficient governance model".
These basic statements, together with the main conclusions of the first phase of the City of Valencia Culture Plan, 2017 (1) made it possible to design a set of 7 action programs that contained the different initiatives launched by the Department of Heritage and Cultural Resources throughout the current legislature.
(1) Rivers, Joaquim, Gisbert, Verónica, Martinez, Santi (2017). City of Valencia Culture Plan, 2017. Valencia: University of Valencia