The Maritime Holy Week Museum brings together an important part of the artistic heritage of the different corporations, brotherhoods and brotherhoods. Works by distinguished sculptors such as Mariano Benlliure, Bernardo Morales, Carlos Román, Vicente Salvador, Francisco Martínez, Salvador Furió, Carmelo Vicent, Francisco Teruel, José María Ponsoda, Inocencio Cuesta, Francisco Ciurana, Ricardo Rico, Vicente Benedito, José Rodríguez or José Vicente Grafia.

The clothing, costumes of biblical characters, ornaments, banners, staff and publications, also offer a very attractive sample for the visitor.

Dades bàsiques


Tuesday to Saturday: from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm
Sundays and public holidays: from 10 am to 2 pm (public holidays in Valencia, 13, 14, 17 and 24 April, 15 August, 9 and 12 October, 1 November and 6 and 8 December)
Closed: January 1st and 6th, May 1st and December 25th
Guided group visits from Monday to Thursday: from 6 pm to 8 pm by contacting 963 240 745 or


Check prices on the website


Calle Rosario, 1
46011 Valencia
Telephone: 963 525 478 ext. 4079


Bus: 1, 2 and 19
Metro: Francisco Cubells (Lines 5 & 6)