Terraced tower Arab wall
Valencia was one of the most important cities of Al-Andalus. The perimeter of the wall was developed on the island formed between the two arms of the River Turia, being the south used as a moat.
Among the streets of theAngel and of Beneito and Coll in the city of Valencia and forming part of house number 2 of the Plaza de los Navarros, it has been revealed to demolish a house in the aforementioned Angel Street, a rounded tower attached to the remains of the Mohammedan wall. The aforementioned tower undoubtedly belongs to the oldest part of the wall.
Its construction is of masonry with walls that on the top floor are sixty centimeters thick.
In order to preserve this testimony of the Muslim domination that lasted in Valencia for nearly five centuries, it is necessary to protect the State, with its declaration as a historic-artistic monument (Decree 2261/1963 of 24 July. BOE 07.09.63. Number 215).
The attached tower was in the courtyard of the disappeared hostel of the Posada de l'Àngel. It has a semicircular floor plan made with a masonry factory, and has a
at the top. It is currently a home. The section of the wall next to the tower is about 18 metres long and almost two metres wide. The factory is made of concrete tapial. Other remains scattered throughout the Carmen neighborhood are also preserved. In the block of houses on Mare Vella street there is another tower embedded inside the houses of similar characteristics to the previous one, although it has undergone alterations. Next to the Portal de la Valldigna there is another tower of identical characteristics, unpacked today, and a fragment of wall canvas. In Salines street you can see part of the wall with an approximate height of five meters. In the Plaça del Tossal part of the wall is preserved, which has been restored and enhanced. Numerous archaeological excavations have been carried out that have allowed us to expand the information we had about the Arab walls.
Dades bàsiques
Plaza de los Navarros, 2 46003 Valencia