Old Forcalló Palace
The old Forcalló Palace is the current headquarters of the Valencia Council of Culture.
The Valencian Council of Culture is a consultative and advisory institution of the Generalitat Valenciana in specific matters related to Valencian culture, with the mission of ensuring the defense and promotion of the linguistic and cultural values of the Community.
The activities carried out by the Valencian Council of Culture for the fulfilment of its tasks are diverse and varied.
Among the most outstanding activities are the meetings of the Plenary Session and the Committees where the documents issued by the institution are debated and approved. There are also the protocol acts and visits to institutions and places of interest for the work of the commissions and the groups formed within them.
The Valencian Council of Culture also carries out a series of activities more open to the general public. A good example is the monthly visits of various schools to the Council’s headquarters to see where and how the institution works. Nor should we forget the thematic conferences that, without fixed frequency, are organized to reflect on some of the issues that particularly concern citizens.
Dades bàsiques
Calle Museo, 3
46003 Valencia