The convent was founded in 1588 for Discalced Carmelite nuns, in 1609 it moved to its current location next to Portal Nou. The whole complex responds to the schemes established by the order as a result of the reform of Santa Teresa (1515-1582) and already defined in the monastery of the Incarnation of Ávila: Latin cross plan with non-protruding transept, flat headboard, barrel vault and dome without drum on shells, topped on the outside by a cubic lantern with a sloping roof. The façade, with a classical pediment finish and a window to illuminate the choir, responds to the models disseminated by the treaty of Fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás 0639). The interior was intervened in the s. XVIII with applications of rockery, on the occasion of the festivities celebrated in 1727 by the canonization of San Juan de la Cruz. The dimensions of the temple, according to the Marquis of Cruïlles, are 26.84 m. length and 6.80 m. of width and height to the cornice. The entire convent was restored and expanded by Luis Gay Ramos in 1970.

In addition to the courtyards of the building, the monastery has an important orchard (2,180 m2) that borders Blanqueries street.

Dades bàsiques


Plaza Portal Nou, 6
46003 Valencia