Church of the Holy Christ of the Saviour
The Church of the Holy Christ of the Saviour is present on Trinitarios Street in Valencia. In addition to being an Asset of Cultural Interest of the city and having been declared a National Historic-Artistic Monument, it also presents a great architectural and sculptural importance.
Of all its elements, undoubtedly the one that stands out the most of all is that of the Christ of the Saviour, present on the main altar and considered the oldest representation of Christ that exists in the city of Valencia.
It is dated to the year 1250 and both its appearance and survival is full of legends, which further increase the expectation it arouses among believers and tourists.
As for the Church of the Holy Christ of the Saviour, it is one of those that were built after the reconquest of James I during the thirteenth century.
Since then it has had several renovations, such as the one that occurred only a century later when the Gothic-style bell tower was preserved (despite the erroneous popular classification of Romanesque).
It had a new remodeling in the sixteenth century and a redecoration in the baroque style in the seventeenth. However, today its decorative style is neoclassical, due to the remodeling that was also carried out between 1826 and 1829 by the architect Manuel Fornés i Gurrea, who also recovered the presbytery.
The Church of the Holy Christ of the Saviour has a rectangular floor plan, with a single nave and side chapels between buttresses. Its infrastructure is divided into 6 sections, with a polygonal head.
The interior of the Church of the Holy Christ of the Saviour is spectacular thanks to the barrel vault and the decorative richness that makes up the entire space.
The rectangular Communion Chapel stands out, which was built in the seventeenth century and renovated a century later. It has a vault with fresco paintings by Vicente López. It also has a square bell tower in stalls.
It has a doorway towards Salvador Street, which is presented with a cornice with bulbous pinnacles. In it appears the image of Christ Crucified.
The other cover is on the side and falls on Trinitarios Street. It enjoys a simple design only highlighted by a niche at the top.
Dades bàsiques
Calle dels Trinitaris, 1
46003 Valencia