Church of San Nicolás de Bari and San Pedro Mártir
In Calle Caballeros de Valencia we find the Church of San Nicolás de Bari and San Pedro Mártir, usually known by its abbreviated name “Church of San Nicolás”.
This parish church was one of the first to be built after the reconquest and, as is understandable, over the years, different artists have motivated an evolution of the building.
However, what makes the Church of San Nicolás de Bari and San Pedro Mártir special is that the complementation of Gothic and Baroque style, has been achieved with a harmony rare in this type of construction.
As was typical of the churches of the time, that of San Nicolás has a floor plan with a single nave and six chapels between the buttresses, with a polygonal head.
The door of the feet is still maintained, with a marked Gothic character, since it was built in the mid-fifteenth century. Highlights of this cover are the archivolts and the rose window, which is also accompanied by a relief plate alluding to a miracle of Saint Nicholas.
The building also has an exterior chapel where the parish cemetery was formerly placed.
The Church of San Nicolás has another door, which is precisely the one that leads to the Plaza de San Nicolás. Here we can already see a change in the architectural style of neo-Gothic nature typical of the nineteenth century.
As if the dates for stylistic continuity did not matter, inside we return to the baroque of the seventeenth century, with decoration by Juan Pérez Castiel and frescoes by Antonio Palomino and Dionís Vidal.
They are joined by beautiful creations by artists such as Espinosa, Vergara, Joan de Joanes or Yánez de la Almedina.
Dades bàsiques
Calle de los Caballeros, 35
46001 Valencia