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Mediterranean Guitar: Duo de violoncel i guitarra Toni Cotolí i Gloria Aleza [Mauella]

06/10/2024, 12:00 h. Concert. Mediterranean Guitar: Cello and guitar duo Toni Cotolí and Gloria Aleza. All audiences.
Cellist Gloria Aleza and guitarist Toni Cotolí offer a wide and varied repertoire ranging from folk to classical music, not forgetting old music, tangos and popular songs. Performers: Toni Cotolí, guitar; Gloria Aleza, violoncello.

Tin Robots: Beatles for Kids [Les cases de Bàrcena]

27/10/2024, 12:00 h. Children’s concert. Ten Robots: Beatles for Kids. Children’s audience.

Beatles for Kids is a family-friendly adventure, in which the lyrics of the legendary English group’s songs are explained in Valencian. For the eyes and ears of girls and boys, it is a fascinating tale with scenery taken from the film Yellow Submarine, colourful characters and incredible music from another era. Performers: Toni Fornals, narrator; Emili Gascón and Alan Blesa, guitars and vocals; Adrián Ramírez, keyboards; Guillem Marco, drums; Àlex Casal, bass.

Dansa contemporània. CocinandoDanza: Guix. [Benifaraig]

06/10/2024, 12:00h. Guix deals, as the title indicates, with plaster as an element of play and generator of playful universes and meeting spaces. The work integrates dance, movement, plastic arts and popular and traditional games. Direction, choreography and interpretation: Henar Fuentetaja and Miguel Tornero.

Dídac Cultural: Arqueología viva [Les cases de Bàrcena]

19/10/2024, 12:00 h. Didactic workshop. Dídac Cultural: Living Archaeology. Family audience.
The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the development and knowledge of the use of scientific methods in archaeology as an auxiliary science in the study of prehistory and history, through the recreation of an excavation in which they will take part as real archaeologists.

A. C. La Carraspera: La dolçaina a través dels segles [Les cases de Bàrcena]

13/10/2024, 12:00 h. Valencian folklore. A. C. La Carraspera: The dolçaina through the centuries. All audiences.
The dolçaina is possibly the musical instrument that most identifies popular and traditional Valencian culture. The xirimiters, always accompanied by tabaleters, are a symbol of the festive expression of each town. In this show we will explore the most popular and significant melodies of the last centuries, from one end of our territory to the other.

Animación infantil. Canta y baila. [Benifaraig]

06/10/2024, 12:00 p.m. Musical educational project based on the development and interpretation of children’s dances, a singer with live vocals, and adapted lyrics. This show allows the training of hearing, rhythmic sense, voice, movement, gesture and body expression.

Grup de danses Santa Bàrbara de València: De festa en festa [Borbotó]

20/10/2024, 11:30 h. Valencian folk dances. Grup de danses Santa Bàrbara de València: De festa en festa. Family audience.
In the middle of the 19th century, an Englishman visits the Kingdom of Valencia, attracted by its customs and traditions. In this tour he joins a cistella seller who will guide him along the paths of the region. Didactic performance of Valencian dances that will introduce the audience to the most traditional folklore of the Valencian lands.

Baraka Circ: Abatido circus [Borbotó]

13/10/2024, 11:30 h. Contemporary circus. Baraka Circ: Abatido circus. Family audience.
A funny character is ready to beat the different records he has set himself. It is a show with a social message and a non-competitive pro-sport message. The latest generation of sport.

Author and director: Juan Manuel Requena.

El Mago Piter [Borbotó]

06/10/2024, 11:30 h. Magic and humour. El Mago Piter. Family audience.
Magic and humour show for audiences from 0 to 100 years old, full of surprises and dreams.

Raúl Quintana: Risas y asombro [Benifaraig]

10/10/2024, 5:00 p.m. An hour of laughter, during which children will participate from the stage and from their seats. Visual games, transformations, animals… and many surprises!

Cowards Music Quartet [Benimàmet]

03/11/2024, 12:00 h. Concert. Cowards Music Quartet. All audiences.

Mood-jazz formation with a dynamic and fun style. Their sound has jazz touches but with a greater tendency towards funk, and influences of Charles Earland, Jimmy McGriff, Ramsey Lewis, Lou Donaldson…

Performers: Noemi Peris, vocals; David Marín, piano; Fran Conde, saxophone; Javier Campos, drums.