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Fil per Randa Teatre: Quatre peces d’humor [El Palmar]

04/10/2024, 19:00 h. Microteatre d’humor. Fil per Randa Teatre: Quatre peces d’humor. Young/adult audiences.

Performance of the play Takeaway Theater, original by Hernán Mir. Performers: Guillermo Bauset, Juan Sierra. Calados hasta los besos, original by Manuel Andrés Zarapico. Performers: Lucía Andrés, Juanma García. Un favor enorme, original by Ximo Hernández. Performers: Carmen Sancho, Juanma García, Santiago Nacher. El sueño eterno, adapted from the text by Alberto García. Performers: Santiago Nácher, Sonia Amblar. Directed by: Gaspar Zamora.

Espectacle Drawing Fighters [El Forn d’Alcedo]

26/10/2024, 18:00 h. Illustrators’ combat. Drawing Fighters show. All audiences.
Creative and artistic challenge between renowned illustrators who face a one and a half metre paper, in a test against the clock, to see who does it best according to the public. Voting is by show of hands, and at the end the works can be purchased by the public.

A. C. La Carraspera: La dolçaina a través dels segles [El Forn d’Alcedo]

19/10/2024, 17:30 h. Valencian folklore. A. C. La Carraspera: The dolçaina through the centuries. All audiences.

The dolçaina is possibly the musical instrument that most identifies popular and traditional Valencian culture. The xirimiters, always hand in hand with the tabaleters, its symbol of the festive expression of each village. In this show we will explore the most popular and significant melodies of the last centuries, from one end of our territory to the other.

Circorama Teatre: El llibre de les bèsties [El Forn d’Alcedo]

18/10/2024, 17:30 h. Cuentacuentos. Circorama Teatre: El libro de las bestias. Público infantil/familiar.

Based on the work of Ramon Llull, a single actor brings to life a multitude of characters (in the purest one-man show style) in a show in which the audience is yet another character. Throughout the show you will see commedia dell’arte, puppets, pantomime… all seasoned with very good humour.

Directed by: Francesc Raga Rubio. Performer: Joan Garcés.

Danses populars valencianes. Colla de Dolçainers i Tabaleters Els Bessons [Faitanar]

19/10/2024, 12:00 h. Valencian folk dances. Colla de Dolçainers i Tabaleters Els Bessons (Antonio and Domingo Llopis Ardid). For all audiences.

An educational display of typical dances from the three provinces of the Valencian Community. Since its beginnings the colla has fostered respect and enthusiasm for the dolçaina, trying to give the popular character that this instrument possesses, and also with an innovative air.

Cia. La Máquina Teatro: Mozart y el enano musical [Faitanar]

05/10/2024, 12:00 h. Musical theatre for children. La Máquina Teatro Company: Mozart and the musical dwarf. Children’s audience.
Mozart finds himself, at the age of 22, on an uncomfortable journey in Paris. He hopes to find a job as a musician. This was not to be. Instead, he had a quarrel with Giovanni Cambini, a well-known composer in Paris at the time, whom Mozart used to call ‘musical nano’.

Directed and adapted by: Rafa Cruz. Performers: Gretel Stuyck and Ignacio Sanz Ferri.

Animación infantil. Canta y baila [Castellar-L’Oliveral]

19/10/2024, 19:00 h. Children’s entertainment. Canta y baila.
Pedagogical-musical project based on the development and performance of children’s dances, singing with live music and adapted lyrics. This show allows to educate the ear, the rhythmic sense, the sight, the movement, the gesture and the corporal expression.

La Pelona [Castellar-L’Oliveral]

05/10/2024, 19:00 h. Concert. La Pelona. Young/adult audience.

A mixture of ska-rock, heartbreak and humour in an explosion of fun and rhythms with lyrics that explore the complicated emotions of the heart with a comic touch; each song is a journey of joy and disillusionment.

Namasteatre: Namasquemicros [Mauella]

20/10/2024, 12:00 h. Microteatre d’humor. Namasteatre: Namasquemicros. Young/adult audience.
Theatrical show made up of four comic pieces: Xanadú by Chema Cardeña, Fila 5 by Luis Montenegro, El difícil equilibrio de la sinceridad by Salva Ferriol, and Bill and Holly van a ser muy felices by Salva Ferriol.