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Folklore valencià. Grupo de danzas Garbí: València, una ciudad en danza [Massarrojos]

20/10/2024, 5:30 p.m. In Valencia, music and dance have been very present for centuries. Native dances that have been forgotten since the beginning of the 20th century. However, in recent decades some of these dances have been recovered. To this end, a sample of some of the Corpus Christi dances and dances from the theatre schools that have been able to be performed again will be shown, using the calendar of monthly celebrations in the city as a common thread.

Grupo de cambra Marxant: Una hora con Marxant [Massarrojos]

19/10/2024, 5:30 p.m. Educational show for the whole family in which we will take a journey through the history of music, from the great classics such as Pachelbel or Bach, to contemporary authors such as Joaquín Rodrigo, without forgetting mythical names of music: John Lennon, Metallica, Coldplay…

Momo. A journey beyond time [Massarrojos]

18/10/2024, 5:30 p.m. Adaptation of Michael Ende’s popular novel, Momo. An unforgettable play with puppets and original songs. Momo, a special girl with a unique gift for listening to people, will face a threat that endangers everyone’s time and happiness. Will Momo be able to restore the lost joy and vitality? Momo invites us to reflect on the value of time, the importance of friendship and the power of hope in a world full of challenges. Performers: Lead actress: Amparo Iserte Michó. Titelero: Rafael Martí Monforte. Technician: Pau Soto Payà.

Concert of Jazz. Nora Pastor Quartet [Carpesa]

05/10/2024, 5:30 p.m. Show with pieces of great composers (Gershwin, Cuelo Portero, Mancini…) with an intimate style that looks for the purity of the voice and the instruments. Performers: Nuera Pastor, voice; Christian Molina, piano; Javier Albiñana, double bass; Batiste Miguel, drums and percussion.

Musícate: Con la música a otra parte [Pinedo]

06/10/2024, 12:00 h. Didactic workshop and participative concert. Musícate: With music elsewhere. Family audiences.
Didactic workshop in which children will travel from Africa and the beginning of time to the 1960s to get to know the king of rock in the United States: Elvis Presley. All this through participative activities, such as playing rhythms with recycled instruments, dancing, performing a dance, experimenting with voices, from primitive percussion to bossa nova, fables, pasodoble, blues, etc…. And all with live music.

Participative cinema: Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988) [Pinedo]

05/10/2024, 19:00 h. Participative cinema: Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988). All audiences.
Do you want to be immersed in a film? With our participatory cinema, it’s possible. With Tim Burton’s popular classic Beetlejuice, starring Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin, we will take you by the hand with various actions as you too experience what it means to be a film character, and all from your seat! Survival kits with a script and objects to interact with different moments of the film are handed out.

Coro Alameda: Azúcar, canela y tango [Pinedo]

04/10/2024, 19:00 h. Concert. Alameda Choir: Sugar, cinnamon and tango. All audiences.
The Alameda Choir offers its particular vision of the music of the American continent, from Brazilian samba to Argentinian tango, jazz, film musicals, reggae…

Performers: Coro Alameda; Victoriano Goterris, piano; Juan Carlos Martínez, percussion; Sergi Bosch, conductor.

Saga Producciones: Tribut a Broadway [El Perellonet]

27/10/2024, 12:00 h. Escotilla Street, 25. Musical show. Saga Producciones: Broadway Tribute. All audiences.
An exciting journey through the great musicals of history. The little ones will be able to sing their favourite songs, from the current ‘Enchantment’ to the themes of The Little Mermaid, Aladdin or Frozen, and get to know great musical classics such as The Sound of Music or The Phantom of the Opera. A wonderful way to discover a new world: musical theatre.

Performers: Kevin Villar and Vanesa Gil, vocals; David Barberá/Carlos Mansa, piano.

Clown. Ana Sánchez: Empar [El Perellonet]

20/10/2024, 11:30 h. Marqués de Valterra Square. Clown. Ana Sánchez: Empar. Family audience.
The show aims to reflect on the thousands of women who care for and cherish their families, and at the same time to vindicate and denounce the invisibility they suffer. Actress: Ana Sánchez. Artistic direction: Pepa Gómez.

Tot Animació: Jocs populars valencians [El Perellonet]

13/10/2024, 11:30 h. Plaça del Marqués de Valterra. Tot Animació: Valencian popular games. For children/families.
Participative activity in which we will teach children games such as ‘birles’, ‘sambori’, ‘pic i pala’, etc.

Ameba Teatre: Cataplum [El Palmar]

26/10/2024, 12:00 h. Children’s theatre. Ameba Teatre: Cataplum. Family audience.
A lonely being insists on his routine despite the bombs that sound daily at a time close to his house. In order to move forward, the best weapons will be fantasy, play and simplicity. The best ally: the audience. A street show without text for all audiences, full of humour, poetry and absurdity. Directed by: Ana González. Artistic direction: Lucho Murabito. Clown: Lucho Murabito