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Humor monologue. Óscar Tramoyeres

06/10/2024, 5:00 p.m. Full of resources, with ductility in his voice and great doses as an actor, Óscar Tramoyeres is one of the great Valencian monologists.

Circorama Teatre: Casanova a València [La Torre]

26/10/2024, 19:30 h. Theatre. Circorama Teatre: Casanova a València. Adult audience.

Giacomo Casanova visited Valencia in 1768. And in his memoirs he left a wonderful record of his adventures, as well as some lessons of life that are worth going over…

Text and direction: Francesc Raga Rubio. Performers: Joan Garcés, Víctor R. Martín.

Participative cinema: Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988) [La Torre]

19/10/2024, 19:30 h. Participative cinema: Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988). All audiences.
Do you want to be immersed in a film? With our participatory cinema, it’s possible. With Tim Burton’s popular classic Beetlejuice, starring Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin, we’ll take you by the hand through various actions so that you too can experience what it means to be a movie character, and all from your own seat! To do this, survival kits with a script and objects to interact with different moments of the film will be handed out.

Cia. La Matallina: Galletas de jengibre [La Torre]

05/10/2024, 19:30 h. Puppet theatre. Cia. La Matallina: Gingerbread biscuits. Children’s audience.
A collection of songs and stories about freedom, a more complicated subject than it seems, because who likes to tell other people what’s right and what’s wrong?

Author: La Matallina. Directed by: J. C. Margallo and Elisa M. Matallín.

Pop music concert. Natali McPears

05/10/2024, 5:00 p.m. Acoustic band formed by Natali McPears, vocals; Pablo Monleón, guitar; Jorge Vila, bass. Pop, soul and rhythm & blues covers.

Fil per Randa Teatre: Quatre peces d’humor [La Punta]

26/10/2024, 19:30 h. Microteatre d’humor. Fil per Randa Teatre: Quatre peces d’humor. Young/adult audiences.

Performance of the play Takeaway Theater, original by Hernán Mir. Performers: Guillermo Bauset, Juan Sierra. When I Fall in Love, original by Gaspar Zamora. Performers: Amparo Arenas, Gaspar Zamora. El sueño eterno, adapted from the text by Alberto García.

Performers: Santiago Nácher, Sonia Amblar. Un favor enorme, original by Ximo Hernández. Performers: Carmen Sancho, Juanma García, Santiago Nacher. Directed by: Gaspar Zamora.

Folklore valencià. Garbí dance group: València, a city in dance [Poble Nou]

20/10/2024, 12:15 p.m. In Valencia, music and dances have been very present for centuries. Native dances that since the early twentieth century have been forgotten. However, in recent decades some of these dances have been recovering. For this, a sample of some of the Corpus Christi dances and dances of the theatrical schools that have been re-enacted will be shown, using the calendar of monthly celebrations in the city as a common thread.

Swinglöide Trio [La Punta]

19/10/2024, 19:30 h. Silent films and live music with Swinglöide Trio. Children’s audience.

A brief history of cinema, photography and movement, with several examples of Buster Keaton and The Pink Panther, and an explanation of instruments such as the guitar, violin and percussion. All accompanied by a mix of jazz-swing, manouche and blues that underscores the actions of the comedians on screen.

Performers: Benjamín Thevenon, guitar; Isabella Lauzara, violin; Carlos Llidó, percussion. Screening and presentation: Martín Rey-Mato.

Family musical show. Saga Producciones: Tributo a Broadway [Poble Nou]

19/10/2024, 6:30 p.m. A passionate journey through the great musicals of history. The most menus and the most menus will be able to sing their favorite songs, from the current “Encanto” to the themes of The Little Mermaid, Aladdin or Frozen, and with great musical classics such as The Sound of Music or The Phantom of the Opera. A wonderful way to discover a new world: musical theatre. Interprets: Kevin Villar and Vanesa Gil, veu; David Barberá/Carlos Mansa, piano.

Taller didáctico. Dídac Cultural: Arqueología viva [Poble Nou]

19/10/2024, 5:00 p.m. The aim of this workshop is to introduce the development and understanding of the use of the scientific method in archaeology as an auxiliary science in the study of prehistory and history, through the recreation of an excavation in which participants will participate as authentic archaeologists.

Edu Borja: Història de titella [La Punta]

05/10/2024, 19:30 h. Puppet theatre. Edu Borja: Història de titella. Children’s audience.

A puppeteer, in love with his profession, tells the story of the origin and evolution of puppets in a show of great didactic value with puppets from many countries and different styles, which come to life with humour and a lot of humour.