Trees: The Indians
Dades bàsiques
Av. by J. J. Dómine
Palacete de Ayora
The presence of Monumental and Singular Trees in the city of Valencia reflects the spirit of people, many anonymous, who opted to preserve and protect one of the longest living beings on the planet, and whose ability to grow throughout their lives allows us today to surprise ourselves with their dimensions or by characteristics that have nothing to do with the measurements but with their rarities, their peculiar shape, the historical facts associated with them or because they are unique species.
All of them silently contribute to the fight against climate change. They are our allies and will play an important role inside cities.
All of them make our lives more pleasant. They are the living witnesses of our history, the travelers of time and space, they are the heirs of the model of sustainable city that we build now.
Beyond the seas: The “Indians” is the route of those who come from far away, they were taken by those people who ventured to cross the Atlantic and returned. And with them came exotic species, which accompanied them on their return journey. Today they are part of our urban landscape and remind us of those “Indians”.
Last section of the route that however represents the most extensive part of it. In Ayora’s Garden there are Eucalyptus, Canary Island Palms and Australian Figueres.
In this intermediate part, before facing the Avenida del Puerto towards the Ayora Garden, we can see a pine palm (Arecastrum romanzoffianum).
Start of the route, dominated by two specimens of Ombús (Phylotaca dioica) and a bottle tree (Brachychiton populneus).