The building built in 1902 by the architect Francisco Mora Berenguer.

It is located on the axis of La Pau street. It is one of the most representative spaces of the city, implanting the new aesthetic currents of the late nineteenth century: Modernism and Eclecticism.

Multi-family residential building, produced in the early twentieth century, associated with urban reform areas that allow the generalized increase in the size of all variables: height, size, plot, number of homes per building.

It consists of ground floor, mezzanine and four tread floors. The language used is modernist characterised by a tripartite composition differentiating base, body and finish and rich decoration with elements typical of modernism (organic shapes, floral elements…), formal freedom in the design of the voids (lintel, semicircular lintel, scarlets), incorporation of new and diverse materials and use of traditional and artisan techniques. The façade wall, according to its typology, is made of solid tile with different types of cladding: revoque, colored, matte, smooth or quilted, fake tile, exposed tile, stone, sgraffito.

The original use was residential in the tread floors and commercial premises, on the ground floor and/or mezzanine.

Dades bàsiques


Calle de la Paz, 21
46003 Valencia