Between January 1937 and the end of the Spanish Civil War, Valencia was the target of more than 400 bombings. Often it was the Italian air force and navy, allied to the national side, that took charge of these attacks on our city. The death toll from the bombing is estimated at 800 dead, while around 3,000 were injured and more than 900 buildings were destroyed.

The Passive Defense Board, faced with the barrage of bombings, took as its main measure the construction of anti-aircraft shelters, most of them concentrated in the center of the city. According to some studies, there were more than 250 shelters in Valencia, publicly and privately owned.

Its function was to protect the population inside and cushion the impacts of the projectiles. For this, public centers, such as schools, and also private buildings were used.

The Carrer dels Serrans Shelter was built in 1937 and had the capacity to accommodate 400 people. Its authorship is unknown.

It is a type of shelter with an elongated floor plan that is supported by large rectangular columns. It retains the running benches attached to the walls and around the pillars, for people to sit on, and the original ventilation grilles. One of its two entrances, the one facing Serrans, no. 25, fully preserves the REFUGIO sign in Art Deco letters. The other entrance faces Calle Palomino.

After the end of the war it was used for some time as a storehouse for bananas, later as a manor house, at which time some reforms were carried out. It then remained abandoned for many years with its doors closed. Finally, a major rehabilitation has been carried out in recent years and today guided tours are scheduled. In addition, its space is intended for the realization of events and cultural initiatives. Declared Good of Local Relevance.

Dades bàsiques


The visit is free


Calle de Serranos, 25
46003, València

Visites guiades:

For the general public there are guided tours on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:00 p.m., except in August.

Més informació:
Phone: 96 208 13 90