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The Palau de la Música presents the «Cicle d’Orgue» 2025 which brings together a wide international and Valencian presence

  • Seven free concerts with prestigious Valencian, Italian and Belgian organists.
  • The Municipal Symphony Band participates for the first time in this cycle, where also will intervene Amores Grup de Percussió and trumpets Vicent Campos and Manu Mellaerts
  • Tickets for tomorrow’s concert are already available at the auditorium ticket offices and on the website

The Councilor of Culture and President of the Palau de la Música, José Luis Moreno, the Director of the Palau, Vicente Llimerá, the Music Assistant Director, Nieves Pascual, the BSMV Principal Director, Cristóbal Soler and the organist Arturo Barba, today presented the new edition of «Cicle d’Orgue», which consists of seven free concerts where the great protagonist is the Great Organ Grenzing that presides over the Iturbi Hall.

This will be the second edition of «Cicle d’Orgue», since the Iturbi Hall was reopened after four years of closure due to renovations and restoration of the instrument for the years of inactivity.

This cycle will start tomorrow Thursday and end next June 15, bringing together prestigious Valencian, Italian and Belgian organists, as well as the Municipal Symphony Band, Amores Grup de Percusión and the trumpets Vincent Campos and Manu Mellaerts.

Councilor José Luis Moreno has explained that “when the Palau was reopened, the organ was unmaintained and immediate action had to be taken to get it up and running; therefore, since this instrument is being maintained and improved, we have to take advantage of it and the public is responding”. He concluded by commenting that “the Valencian public wants music and is showing us that they also want organ music”.

The director of the Palau de la Música, Vicente Llimerá, has highlighted that this edition of the Organ Cycle consolidates the project initiated detached from the reopening of the Iturbi Hall, since “last year we saw an excellent reception by our public, exceeding the 5,000 attendees, far surpassing past editions”. He also underlined the commitment of the Palau to the care and maintenance of the organ which “is a true jewel of our musical heritage that is constantly being revised to ensure maximum splendour”

Finally, Llimerá added that “This year we have wanted to strengthen the combination of organ with other instruments and ensembles and groups such as the Municipal Symphonic Band, and with this bet, the Palace reaffirms its commitment to the dissemination and enhancement of this unique instrument.”

The assistant director of the Palau, Nieves Pascual, has explained that “in this new edition the participating organists come from a different place and this gives rise to a natural and enriching eclecticism for this superb instrument”.

The organist Arturo Barba has stressed that “the cycle begins with a historic concert as it is the first time in the history of the Municipal Band of Valencia that they will play with the organ, and the first time for the auditorium where there will be a band concert with organ” In fact Barba has explained that “every time a different organist comes, the organ sounds differently. We will hear 7 different organs in 7 different concerts, but all with the common denominator of Bach, since all the concerts are linked to this figure”.

The cycle will begin tomorrow, at 19.30 hours, with the extraordinary concert of the Municipal Symphonic Band and its holder, Cristóbal Soler, with the Valencian organist Arturo Barba where they will play the “Preludio” and “Fuga” on the theme B.A.C.H. by Liszt; the Concertino for organ and symphonic band by Thomas Trachsel, which is premiered in Spain; “Terra de conquestes” by Enrique Cárcel, which the centenary musical group performs for the first time and, to conclude, the absolute premiere of the Symphony number 3 «Ochomiles» of Enrique Hernandis, also valencian composer.

Tickets for the entire cycle are free and for tomorrow’s cycle are now available. They can be obtained in person at the ticket offices of the Palau and on the website www.palauvalencia.com

The next cycle appointments will be at weekends and 11.30 a.m. They will be followed on Sunday, February 23, 2025 with the recital of the organist of the Cathedral of Lucca, the Italian Giulia Biagetti; on Saturday, March 22 with the organist of “San Antonio de los Portugueses en Roma”, the also Italian Giampaolo di Rosa and the program “Unveiling the secrets of the organ of the Palau” and where there will be narration; on Saturday, 5 April with the titular organist of the Cathedral of Bruges, the Belgian Ignace Michiels; on Sunday, 13 April the organist of the Arciprestal de Sant Esteve in Andorra la Vella, the Valencian Ignacio Ribas and Amores Grup de Percussió will perform the organ and percussion program “El jardín flotante”; on Sunday, 25 May will be the organ teacher of the Professional Conservatory of Music of Valencia, the Valencian José Vicente Giner who will perform a recital, and will conclude on Sunday, 15 June with the organ and trumpet concert, starring the organ teacher at Leuven University College of Arts, the Belgian Luc Ponet with the trumpets Vicent Campos and Manu Mellaerts.

