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0605 Exposició Un passeig per la ciutat. VIVA LA VIDA CABAÑALERA, 2022, técnica mixta y collagesobre tabla, 140x100 cm.(send)

The City Museum hosts the exhibition ‘A walk through the city’ by the painter Antonio Abellán

This Wednesday sees the opening of the exhibition ‘A walk through the city’ by the painter Antonio Abellán, which will be open to the public at the City Museum until 10 September. The exhibition, curated by the gallery owner Isabel Bilbao, offers “a unique opportunity to see together the works of this artist, Valencian by adoption, who has become an important reference in the current art scene”, as highlighted by the acting Councilor for Heritage and Cultural Resources, Gloria Tello.

Within the program of exhibitions derived from the Open Call for contemporary creation, the City Museum will host from this Wednesday, June 7,  the exhibition ‘A walk through the city’ by the painter Antonio Abellán.

As indicated by the acting Councilor for Heritage and Cultural Resources, Gloria Tello, “this new exhibition is part of the different projects chosen to offer an opportunity to artists, groups of artists, curators, and professionals with experience in the management of artistic exhibitions”. 

Through this initiative, the City Council makes it possible to combine the promotion of artistic excellence with the development of a cultural program “that brings first-class municipal exhibition spaces, such as the City Museum, the Tossal Gallery and the Drassanes, closer to citizens,” said Tello.

The exhibition offers a “unique opportunity” to see together a long fifty works by this artist who is characterized by a reflective, slow and therefore scarce production, which has captivated the attention of a cultured public, “becoming an important reference in the current art scene,” said the councilor.

Abellán’s works, colorful and figurative style, are full of characters with a marked iconography, where they speak bodily just like objects and the environment that surrounds them. His compositions, based on memories or themes of his interest, are full of movement. Its plastic is impeccable and harbors a special sense of beauty.

The exhibition can be visited in the temporary exhibition hall of the City Museum until September 10 at its usual hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sundays and holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Every Monday it will be closed.


A very personal style

Trained at the School of Fine Arts of Valencia, the figures in Abellán’s work overflow with corporeality and animation, show an elegant attitude and perfect dynamics, whether in group scenes or in the most introspective and poetic, and represent fragments of our society. 

With a very personal style, his restless dissent from the current currents of creation resembles that of artists such as Otto Dix, Henri Rousseau, Karl Hubbuch, Balthus or Foujita among others, and in his work we find clear references to German and Austrian expressionist figuration. 

Abellán has a long international career and his production is easily identifiable by its originality and vital load, close, and with a certain autobiographical character, according to the art critic and director of the Alicante Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert, Pilar Tébar.
