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0509 Catalá-Expo Mare de Déu(18)-

The Almudín hosts the exhibition “Torna a brillar. Restauració de la Mare de Déu de l’Ofrena”

    • The mayor of València attends the presentation of the exhibition that will open this Thursday at 7:30 PM and can be visited until June 30th.
    • Catalá highlights that the restoration of the platform “enhances one of the city’s most beautiful moments, the Offering.”


The mayor of València, María José Catalá, emphasized during the presentation of the exhibition “Torna a brillar. Restauració de la Mare de Déu de l’Ofrena” that through this exhibition “one of the city’s most beautiful moments, the offering, is highlighted.”

In this regard, Catalá noted that for the restoration of the platform, “the best were involved and this action was taken on the occasion of the latest Fallas to ensure it was in the best condition for the offering.”

The mayor also emphasized that this exhibition “features treasures that reflect the tradition of the offering in this city, the first team that made the platform, all the ninots indultats that have dealt with the offering; unique pieces from the Lladró collection or Pedro Arrúe; or historical moments reflected in the media; among others.”

Additionally, Catalá thanked everyone who worked on preparing the exhibition “as this week is the week of the Mare de Déu, so I believe we will have a large influx of visitors, as it is a great opportunity for the citizens to see the platform and the Virgin up close and appreciate the value of the restoration and the work that has been done.”

The mayor also indicated that following this exhibition “a book will be published about the restoration, the history of the platform, what it represents and means in the context of Valencia’s fairs.”

Finally, Catalá invited all Valencians “because it will be a historic moment” and because “this exhibition will be a turning point in the history of the platform and its recovery.”

The exhibition will open this Thursday at 7:30 PM at the Almudín and can be visited for free until June 30th during regular museum hours.
