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October programme at Sala Russafa

Medea Drifting
From 5 to 8 October

Medea, the magical princess of Colchis, the one who was Jason’s wife and killed her children out of heartbreak, the one who had to flee Corinth, Athens and Asia Minor, besieged by humans and gods, the object of Zeus’ fury, drifts in a huge block of ice that shrinks day by day, on the way to an unknown destination. But this is not his only anguish: he is an immortal being and cannot die, not even by his own hand. She is doomed to live to the end of days.


From 12 to 15 October

“There is a place in the south, beyond the strait, beyond the desert, asleep by the ocean, scalded by the daytime sun and frozen at night. This land is called Sahara.”

Bassim and his daughter Lamira live in the Smara refugee camp. Bassim dreams of returning to the Sahara, to his hometown of Dajla, from which he fled after the Moroccan invasion more than forty years ago. They will accompany Fadí, a Sahrawi soldier who has to exchange with a Moroccan prisoner, Mahmud, for a colleague from the Polisario, on a journey to cross the wall and reach Dajla. Alma, a Spanish aid worker, will travel with them and witness their journey.

Sahara is a life story of a journey back to the origins. An intimate journey, an apparently small story, surrounded by the vertigo of an international conflict that seems to have no end… like the desert.



From 19 to 22 October

There was so much noise you couldn’t hear. And your sweetheart (tu-morcito) had to come to save you. Autobiography of a young woman with cancer. But that’s not about cancer. This speaks to life.



What does the moon know?
From 21 to 22 October

Animals had long wanted to discover what the moon knew. Would it be sweet or salty? At night, they looked anxiously up at the sky. They stretched out and tried to grab her, lengthening her neck, legs and arms.
Who never dreamed of biting the moon? This was precisely the desire of the animals in this tale. They just wanted to try a little piece of it, but no matter how hard they stretched, they weren’t able to touch it. Then the turtle had a great idea… ”If you put yourself on my back, we may reach the moon,” he told the elephant.
And so began this immense tower of animals, with the turtle, the elephant, the giraffe, the zebra, the lion, the fox, the monkey and the mouse, on top of each other, trying to reach the moon…
Will they succeed?



If this is a man
From 26 to 29 October

In 1944, Primo Levi was deported to Auschwitz. He was 24. During his stay in the camp, he began to write “Si esto es un hombre”, the account of the ten months he was imprisoned.

In 2020 (76 years later), an actor enters a stage and faces the challenge of reliving Levi’s experience, in order to try to understand (if possible) what Auschwitz was and what it means for us, spectators of the twenty-first century, that this place will exist in the middle of Europe in the middle of the last century.

A journey to the darker side of the human being and our contemporary world.


More information and tickets https://www.salarussafa.es/index.html
