Official statement
Due to the improvement in weather conditions, the following museums and monuments will open today from 3:00 PM until their regular closing time at 7:00 PM: – Lonja – Centro Arqueológico de l’Almoina – Museo de la Ciudad – Museo de Historia de València
Closing of museums and monuments (November 14)
Due to the adverse weather conditions and the measures adopted by the València City Council, all municipal museums and monuments will remain closed today, Thursday 14th November.
Official statement
Museum closures until 3 November
In view of the transport and communication difficulties caused by the catastrophic rains, the following museums and monuments will remain closed for the rest of the week, until 3 November. Museo de Ciencias Torres de Serranos Torres de Quart Ata
Lecture series ‘Valencia, a city for fiction’ at the Blasco Ibáñez House-Museum
BLASCO IBÁÑEZ MUSEUM HOUSE (C/ Isabel de Villena, 159 – Valencia) Cycle of conferences Valencia, a city for fiction Francisco López Porcal, La Valencia de papel: la real y la imaginaria (Thursday, 17 October 2024, at 18.00 h) Carlos Aimeur, Valencia, m
VALENCIAPHOTO 2024 at the València History Museum
The València History Museum exhibits a sample of one of its most beloved projects: ‘València i la seua gent’, a work of recovery of the memory and the image of the men and women of the Valencian society who have voluntarily contributed their vital witn
VALENCIAPHOTO 2024 in the Cervelló Palace
Francesc Vera. 40 Years. Cervelló Palace. From 20 September to 10 November. The Cervelló Palace is hosting a retrospective of the photographer Francesc Vera: 40 years. Vera is one of the most famous Valencian photographers. He has held numerous solo an
VALENCIAPHOTO 2024 in the Plaza de Décimo Junio Bruto
Near the Almudín, in the Plaza de Décimo Junio Bruto, in front of the Almoina, is the exhibition ‘Shipibo-Konibo. Portraits of my blood’, by David Díaz, a refined Peruvian photographer born in the Amazonian region of Ucayali, which is the source of ins
VALENCIAPHOTO 2024 in the Plaza del Patriarca
French photographer Jérôme Sessini exhibits in the Plaza del Patriarca – ‘The water crisis in Mexico’, a title for which no further explanation is needed in view of the serious water emergency facing the country. ‘Here, every drop of water becomes prec
VALENCIAPHOTO 2024 in the Almudín
For a few months, the Almudín will become the Pavilion of Nations, a large photographic exhibition that offers a vision of the universal human experience. Its particularities and similarities between different countries and cultures. Portraits, landsca
Lecture The Garden of the Benlliure House-Museum
Lecture The Garden of the Benlliure House-Museum Dr. Elisabet Quintana Seguí (UPV) On the occasion of the commemorative activities of the Benlliure House Museum Day. On Friday 4 October at 6 p.m. there will be a lecture by Dr. Elisabet Quintana Seguí,