The Almudín hosts the exhibition “Torna a brillar. Restauració de la Mare de Déu de l’Ofrena”
The mayor of València attends the presentation of the exhibition that will open this Thursday at 7:30 PM and can be visited until June 30th. Catalá highlights that the restoration of the platform “enhances one of the city’s most beautiful moments, the
València will have five new cultural centres as of May
The spaces are: Escorxador and Reina 121, both in the Cabanyal-Canyamelar neighbourhood; Alquería Albors in the Orriols neighbourhood; Chalet de Abén Al Abbar, which is located in the Albors neighbourhood; and, finally, Nave 3 Ribes in the Russafa neig
The Department of Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources, through the Cultural Resources Service, announces the XLII Literary Awards ‘Ciutat de València’, this year in five categories: narrative, essay, theatre, poetry and comic, both in Vale
“Between pincers and passions” at the Benlliure House Museum
Between pincers and passions The Benlliure House Museum will have an exceptional hostess: María Benlliure Ortiz, ‘the Italian’. From her hand we will learn about this bourgeois house from the end of the 19th century, and she will share with the partici
“Tribute to Maestro Bernardo Adam Ferrero” by the Banda Sinfónica Municipal de València (5 May)
Tribute to Maestro Bernardo Adam Ferrero València Municipal Symphonic Band Pablo Marqués Mestre, guest conductor 5th May at 11:30 a.m. Palau de la Música Iturbi Hall Tickets Francesc Reinés: Adam Ferrero pasodoble Bernardo Adam Ferrero:
Valencian music in the concert for flute and guitar at the Palau de Cervelló
Palau de Cervelló. Sunday 28 April 12.30 p.m. Flute and guitar concert. Valencian music Booking telephone 962084496. Telephone service hours from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm, Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. Four tickets per
Música valenciana en el concert de flauta i guitarra en el Palau de Cervelló (28 d’abril)
Palau de Cervelló. Diumenge 28 d´ abril 12,30 h Concert de flauta i guitarra. Música valenciana Telèfon de reserves 962084496. Horari d’atenció telefònica de dimarts a dissabte de 10 a 14 i de 15 a 19h, diumenges de 10 a 14 h. Quatre entrades per crida
The Blasco Ibáñez House Museum opens a new temporary exhibition
On Thursday 18 April, the exhibition La mirada literaria: retratos de Néstor Dámaso del Pino will open at the Blasco Ibáñez House Museum, which can be visited until mid-December 2024. Through some forty caricatures by the Canarian cartoonist Néstor Dám
International Day for Monuments and Sites (18 April)
Today, 18 April, is the International Day for Monuments and Historic Places, an event that has been organised by UNESCO since 1984 to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and enhancing monuments and sites for the enjoyment of the whole world
Beca Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 2024 – 2025
Concessió, en règim de concurrència competitiva, d’una beca per potenciar la investigació sobre la figura de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, la seua obra o el seu llegat. Esta beca tindrà una duració de sis mesos, a comptar des del moment de l’adjudicació. La b
Beca Velázquez 2024 – 2025
L’Ajuntament ja ha obert el termini per a participar en la beca Velázquez 2024-2025, fruit del conveni de col·laboració entre l’Ajuntament de València i la Casa de Velázquez, dependent del Ministeri francés d’ensenyament superior, investigació i innova
Las Atarazanas hosts an exhibition of social art with a gender perspective
The exhibition by the Valencian artist Mau Monleón Pradas will be on display, with free admission, until 30 June. The initiative was selected in the public call for artistic projects promoted by the City Council to promote the talent of differen