Ximenera in Vall de la Ballestera street
Chimney of the disappeared Sant Pau Flour Mill located in the garden square between Vall de la Ballestera and Eduardo Soler i Pérez streets (next to the 9 d’Octubre Hospital).
Parts of a Chimney
The chimneys consist of three distinct parts: Base or Pedestal, Reed, Shaft or Tube and Crown, Coronation, Capital or Finish.
Description of the Chimney
It is an isolated chimney house, remains of an old industrial building, built - because it detaches from the typology of the chimney, rectangular base and octagonal shaft of fired tiles - in the decade 1890-1900. Fired tile is used as the basic material, which is a good thermal insulator. The height and section decrease from the base to the top, consisting of its function in causing a depression or draft between the inlet and exit to establish a current of air, contributing this shot to combustion. The inner section decreases as well, in order to retain an updraft to overcome the currents of cold air masses. Its construction is due to the use of steam in the factory.
These industrial chimneys were a basic element of industrial facilities that generated strength in industry from steam, using the experiences of the types of chimneys so typical of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
This construction has been isolated from the accessory constructions that should accompany it in the production process, thus being decontextualized.
Its factories are made of baked tile and consist of a quadrangular base topped by a cornice with denticles that marks the transition line with the trunk, octagonal section and conical in shape; canonical form of these chimneys to prevent the entry of cold air, thus facilitating a current of air by thermal inversion. It is topped with a crown and lantern framed by two tiled mouldings.

Dades bàsiques
Calle de Eduardo Soler y Pérez, 12
46035 Valencia