Monastery of Purity and Saint James
The current Convent of Purity is actually the headquarters of the old Brotherhood of Sant Jaume, founded by the Conqueror with the donation of the old Palace of the Wolf King in 1246. The current construction probably dates back to the s. XIV or XV, within a typology typical of medieval civil architecture. From this period the semicircular doorway, cut out in later times and, above it, the mutilated coat of arms of the brotherhood is preserved. In 1853 the building would be occupied by the nuns of Purity after the demolition of their convent, adapting the old structures to the needs of the cloister. The only visitable element of the complex is the church, which the Brotherhood of Sant Jaume built in 1702, although it is currently very renovated. It consists of a vaulted living room floor, 34.83 m. length by 7.12 m wide and 6.68 m high. up to the cornice, with pilasters and blind arches that simulate chapels. He is currently entitled to the Conception of the Nuns of Purity.

Dades bàsiques
Calle del Convent de la Puritat, 4
46003 Valencia