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Exhibitions at the Carmen Center this July

Cultura Online #CMCVaCasa 2023
Until 9 July
Ferreres Room – Goerlich
The purpose of the exhibition Cultura Online #CMCVaCasa 2023 is to offer the public the possibility of knowing in the Sala Ferreres – Goerlich of the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània the projects selected in the Cultura Online #CMCVaCasa 2023 call.


Biennial 2064
Until 9 July
Bedroom Room
Biennial 2064 is an exhibition about oracles in the age of artificial intelligence. Digital devices accumulate so much data to project future forecasts. Algorithms have taken over from ancient oracles. But these new omens can be fulfilled: when they predict the future, they discard from the present everything that does not make it possible and edit the past in relation to the prediction they have made. Thus, prediction has become a tool to refine the possibilities of what remains to be lived and thought about in the future.


Germán Caballero. Valencia alive and combative.
Until 24 September
Buttresses Room
This exhibition aims to be a breath of courage and hope to continue fighting, and a meeting point to build our own story, that of rebellious Valencia. The exhibition, based on the book Valencia Viva i Combativa published by Sembra Llibres, is based on photographs by photojournalist Germán Caballero, which show everything that has been built from below, no matter who governs, during this last decade.


Emilia Buffard. Sport Friendly. The diversity track!
June 30
Zero Room and Gothic Cloister
Sport Friendly. The diversity track!, is designed as a starting point to mark a horizon of social commitment to the problem of discrimination and violence in sport. A photographic production to promote inclusive sport, making visible LGBTQI+ sports groups throughout Argentina that seek to redefine the classic values of sport, claiming that regardless of their sexual orientation or identity, gender, physical or social condition, each person has a place.


You have to know how to see victories
A history of the associative movement
11 July
Rooms 1 and 2
The exhibition Victories must be seen is a walk through the struggles and victories achieved by citizens throughout history. It has the will to settle a historic debt with the anonymous people who with their effort and struggle have built freedom and the Welfare State.
