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Exhibition «Life and Colour»

Temporary exhibition hall of the City Museum
Organised by: Department of Culture and Heritage of the City Council of Valencia and Chirivella Soriano C.V. Foundation.
Available until November 4.


On Friday, September 15, the exhibition “Life and Color” will be inaugurated at the City Museum, organized by the Department of Culture and Heritage of the Valencia City Council and the Chirivella Soriano Foundation, within the collaboration agreement between both institutions.


In the late nineteenth and early nineteenth centuries, color became the central concern of European painters, inaugurating a new era of visual freedom and paving the way for so-called “non-representational art”.


We are talking about abstraction as a manifestation of hidden truths, the liberation of pure forms from all superfluous content and, therefore, the possibility of already perceiving the essential (spiritual) realities. The formalism in abstraction was based on color as one of its central axes.


In the 1960s, younger artists began to perceive formalist abstraction as a conventional, conservative conception of art. Thus, the state of plurality of contemporary art that today, more than ever, emerges as a response to external forces in a society without specific references.


Color today is a multifaceted gem that overflows the paint box. The question of how artists obtain and use their colors concerns both the philosophy of art and the technologies associated with it. Color itself is being reinvented. Artists who take advantage of the possibilities offered today by technology and who are influenced by an accumulation of social and cultural factors that surround and condition it. Because, in short, every artist affirms his own pact with the colors of his time. After all, it’s all color.


Artists represented in the exhibition

Team 57,  Manuel Quejido, Nico Munuera, Bonifacio Alfonso, Esteban Vicente, Cristina Alabau, José María Yturralde,  Encarna Sepúlveda, Jordi Teixidor, José Guerrero,  José Saborit, Juan Olivares, Patricia Bonet, Ferran Gisbert, Alfonso Fraile, Manuel Rey Fueyo, Joaquín Michavila, José Manuel Viola, Monjalés, Martin Noguerol, José Hernández Pijuan, Albert Ràfols Casamada, Fernando Zóbel, Elena Asins, Manuel Hernández Mompó, Luis Gordillo, Fernando Lorite, Assad Kassad, Salvador Victoria, Andrés Cillero, Gerardo Rueda, Rafael Canogar, Gustavo Torner, Ignacio Yraola, Luis Feito, Luis Muro, Juan Carlos Lázaro, Manuel Mampaso, Eduard Arbós, Miguel Ángel Moset, Jordi Pallarés, Romá Vallés and Antonio Murado.
