In the square before the parish church of Santa Mònica and the adjoining Asylum, since 9 January 1974, a monument has been erected to Saint Teresa Jornet, founder of the order of Little Sisters of Forsaken Elderly, who runs the nearby charitable establishment. It is the work of the sculptor Manuel Silvestre Montesinos (“Silvestre de Edeta”) professor emeritus of Carving at the School of Fine Arts, today Faculty, a monument that consists of a group in marble representing the Saint, between an elderly woman and an old man whom she attends.

On the pedestal in front is the inscription with “Saint Teresa Jornet i Ibars, founder of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Forsaken Elderly, in its first centenary. 1873-1973”. And the signature “Silvestre de Edeta”.
Vice versa: “Tribute of the elderly with the sponsorship of Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Valencia and the collaboration of the Most Excellent City Council”.

Dades bàsiques


Plaza de Santa Mònica, 1
46009 Valencia