Ameba Teatre: Cataplum [El Palmar]
26/10/2024, 12:00 h. Children’s theatre. Ameba Teatre: Cataplum. Family audience.
A lonely being insists on his routine despite the bombs that sound daily at a time close to his house. In order to move forward, the best weapons will be fantasy, play and simplicity. The best ally: the audience. A street show without text for all audiences, full of humour, poetry and absurdity. Directed by: Ana González. Artistic direction: Lucho Murabito. Clown: Lucho Murabito
Dades bàsiques
12:00 h
Esplanada enfront de la Trilladora del Tocaio (carrer del Crist de la Salut)
EMT: 24