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The exhibition Chevelures by the Valencian artist Nuria Ferriol comes to the City Museum

  • This is an exhibition selected in 2022 as part of the Open Call for exhibition projects and is made up of drawings that reflect the symbiosis between body and landscape, focusing on the idea of hair.
  • It can be visited, free of charge, until 27 October during the centre’s usual opening hours.

The councillor for Cultural Action, Heritage and Cultural Resources, José Luis Moreno, took part in the opening of the exhibition Chevelures, by the Valencian artist Nuria Ferriol, which is being held at the City Museum from this Wednesday until 27 October.

The exhibition is a project made up of drawings that reflect the symbiosis between body and landscape, focusing on the idea of hair, in fact the title of the exhibition and of some of the works refers to a poem by Charles Baudelaire “Chevelure”, Spanish for “hair”. Thus, roots, hair, bodies and landscapes appear related, subtly intertwined, as inseparable manifestations, belonging at the same time to the body, the landscape, nature and memory.

These drawings are conceived in black and white as a search for the essence, but the red colour stands out in the series “Cuscuta Epithum” in the form of threads that are in turn veins, weaving their tangle over the body or landscape.

As José Luis Moreno explained, this exhibition “is installed on the main floor of the Museum and can be visited free of charge during the centre’s normal opening hours”. The councillor also recalled that “it was selected in 2022 as part of the Open Call for exhibition projects” by an interdisciplinary jury made up of specialists appointed at the proposal of the Asociación Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló (AVVAC), the Asociación Valenciana de Críticos de Arte, the Academia de San Carlos, the Facultad de Bellas de València and the Área de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de València (València City Council’s Department of Culture).

The exhibition also has guided tours for all audiences, including groups, which must be booked in advance and will be held on Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. and 12 noon.
