The Rascanya irrigation canal

The fields of Rascanya constitute a rural landscape fruit of the industriousness, dedication and dedication of the peasants to the lands inherited from their elders, and the esteem and zeal they put into their cultivation, in the face of the difficulties and adversities of an increasingly globalized world, has forced them to limit themselves and diversify crops seeking specialization, The mechanization and defense of their work against competition, while seeing how urban pressure was diminishing much of the formerly fertile virgins today occupied by modern constructions and urban roads.

Currently, the orchard of Rascanya constitutes a model of agricultural exploitation where a large part of the tools and certain agricultural techniques have disappeared, in addition to the Valencian population solutions, such as the hut, the rossins, irrigation channels, redwoods and sequiolets, only preserved by the longing for ancestral times in which man was part of the environment and was intimately linked to it.

The object of this publication is to disseminate and tell new generations where the irrigation canals that gave life to all those fields ran and meandered, from where those vegetables that filled markets for the joy of the senses came from, where were the mills that turned the grains of the almudí into flours or the silos of Burjassot… But also remember all the farmsteads and huts that, next to the fields, gave rest to the main protagonists: farmers, families and livestock that, from dawn until nightfall, made possible the wealth of the orchard.

Dades bàsiques

Daniel Sala Giner
Agriculture and orchard, History, Urban planning